Rippe Lifestyle Institute: Areas of Research Expertise

Areas of Clinical Research Expertise and Other Assets

RLI Research Laboratory employs exercise physiologists, registered dietitians and registered nurses with extensive and varied backgrounds in clinical research. Most research professionals have advanced degrees and advanced training in specialized research techniques. The following assets and areas of expertise make the RLI Research Laboratory a world-class clinical research center.

Access to leading research consultants in nutrition, exercise science, rheumatology, physical therapy and statistics

Access to virtually every medical technology and procedure through collaborative agreements with other medical institutions and with our second research center, Rippe Lifestyle Research Institute of Florida.

Body composition assessment utilizing air displacement plethysmography (ADP), a validated, cutting edge technique appropriate for use in a variety of populations.

Regional body fat determination by iDXA The RLI team played a key role in conducting research to determine algorithms for the computation of regional body fat utilizing state of the art iDXA equipment provided through our partner, GE Healthcare. RLI owns a state of the art iDXA machine.

Computer-aided dietary intake analysis conducted by registered dietitians trained and certified to use the University of Minnesota Nutrition Data System for Research (NDS-R), the most highly regarded database for clinical nutrition research studies.

Computerized database management and record keeping with onsite data back-up and offsite data storage to ensure the safety of all research documents and databases.

Exercise endurance testing conducted by exercise physiologists utilizing a LODE-MedGraphics Excalibur cycle ergometer interfaced with a MedGraphics CPX™ Metabolic Cart.

Exercise tolerance testing/cardiac stress testing conducted by exercise physiologists trained on MedGraphics CPX™ Metabolic Carts and assisted by research nurses trained in advanced cardiac life support (ACLS).

Extensive background and expertise with clinical research organizations (CROs) and participation in multi-center trials.

Functional strength assessments with a BIODEX System 3 Pro, which allows graphical depiction and quantitative analysis of joint strength and impairment.

Indirect calorimetry measurement utilizing a ventilated hood and a Sensor Medics metabolic cart.

Multi-center clinical trial collaboration with our second research center, Rippe Lifestyle Research Institute at Florida.

Research clinicians trained in phlebotomy including indwelling catheter specimen collection with all samples analyzed by an accredited laboratory.

Antioxidant Status
Utilizing a low intensity, proprietary laser system employing Raman spectroscopy, skin carotenoid levels can be measured to estimate antioxidant status.

Free Radical Damage Assessment
Utilizing advanced spectroscopy techniques on a small blood sample, measurements of free radical damage can be performed in the RLI laboratory.

LDL Subfractions
LDL Subfraction measurement is available through collaborative relationships established by RLI. Such measurements are available both in the research laboratory and the clinical setting of Rippe Health Assessment. LDL subfraction measurement provides a more sophisticated approach to cardiac risk factor than simply measuring LDL cholesterol levels.

HighSpeed CT Scanning
RLI and RHA through our collaboration with GE Healthcare, perform research and clinical studies by utilizing High-Speed CT scanning for the early detection of both heart disease and cancer. These scans, called the Rippe Preventive Heart Scan, Rippe Preventive Lung Scan and Rippe Preventive Total Body Scan are key components of the RHA approach to Precision Preventionsm which is described elsewhere on this website.

DNA Based Screening for Colon Cancer
Through RLI's collaboration with LabCorp, advanced DNA technology is available for the early detection of colon cancer.

Psychological testing utilizing validated psychological instruments and state-of-the-art computerized scoring methods.

Proven track record of effectively and efficiently recruiting research participants for both small and large research trials.

Proven track record of presenting and publishing trial resultsas evidenced by the hundreds of abstracts, manuscripts and presentations prepared by RLI Research Laboratory professionals.

Research professionals trained in advanced cardiac life support.

Research nurses with advanced training in cardiac rehabilitation and cardiovascular medicine.

Ability to not only conduct research but also help clients disseminate findings in meaningful and memorable ways by drawing on the skills and expertise of RLI professionals experienced in marketing, communications, public relations, publishing and multimedia.

Current Research Studies

Information for Study Participants